Welcome to MMDAI2 Land!

This is an awesome website for beginners using a program called MMDAI2. This website has lots of tutorials, and it's also sort of my MMDAI2 stuff place. Like... how do I explain this? Well, I make poses and videos on MMDAI2 and I put the poses up for download. Those are all on deviantArt, so I thought I could also put them on here... Oh well. On to more important stuff.


What is MMDAI2?

MMDAI2 is MikuMikuDance for Macs. MMD is originally for Windows operating systems only, so MMDAI2 is a really nice find for Mac users. MMDAI2 has lots of flaws, but It's better than nothing, right?

Well, explore this website to find easy tutorials, pose downloads, videos, pics and other random things!!!

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